Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Utilizing Water Using Ag Technology

Agribotix Drone

During our recent Extension Advisory Committee meeting, advisory members came up with some great programming ideas for us to focus on in the upcoming year.  Using the nominal group technique, committee members came up with ideas for ag business programming, doing a better job of educating the public with what exactly Extension does, and finding ways to get more volunteers as their top three issues.
The fourth and equally important topic was that of irrigation water and is there any way we can get more of it.  A monumental task to say the least but I'm always up for a challenge.  My high school basketball coach used to say "If I could wave a magic wand and make you better, I would.  But I can't, so you have to practice."  When discussing ag programming, I have yet to have a meeting where someone asks "Can you make it rain?"  If I had a magic wand.
That being said, I came across this article that was on posted on the Colorado Department of Ag's Facebook Page while having my morning coffee.  On a rare occasion, profundity emerged in my mind that I might have more luck finding information on how we can utilize what water we have vs. being able to wave my wand and find more.
The following article discusses how Colorado Farmers are using Ag Technology to utilize the resources we have in an effort to increase production.  It is well worth your time to peruse it and jump start your thinking on how we can be more efficient with what we have.  My hopes are that it will prompt you to ask more questions and provide me more research on this topic for all of us to utilize.

Happy Reading!

Colorado Farmers Advance with New Ag Technology

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